News Articles

Evidence Solutions' expert witnesses love to share knowledge with you! Below is a listing of articles on a variety of subjects including cell phone forensics, digital forensics, hard drive recovery and analysis, EDRs, medical record analysis, greek fraternity issues, sports and injury consulting, real estate matters, and more. You can subscribe to our mailing list here. Read on and stay informed!

					The heartbreak of Heartbleed: What you need to know.

The heartbreak of Heartbleed: What you need to know.

The Heartbleed bug is bad, very bad indeed. By one estimate, it affects nearly 2/3 of Internet si...
					Healthcare Industry is Vulnerable to Cyber Attacks

Healthcare Industry is Vulnerable to Cyber Attacks

A Ponemon Institute Patient Privacy and Data Security study sponsored by ID Experts says that the...
					Six Steps to More Security and Privacy - Computer Security

Six Steps to More Security and Privacy - Computer Security

Security and privacy are important, and probably more important than what many realize. Recently ...
					GoDaddy Social Engineering Attack

GoDaddy Social Engineering Attack

Attack on GoDaddyHighlights Importance of Employee Security Training Electronic and Digital Evid...
					California Proposed Cell Phone Kill Law

California Proposed Cell Phone Kill Law

Cellular Phone Forensics:California law would require "Destroy" function in Cell Phones A prop...
					Intellectual Property Expert: Employee Termination Checklist

Intellectual Property Expert: Employee Termination Checklist

In today's technology world, almost every company uses computers. Over the next few weeks, Eviden...
					Evidence Solutions merges with D&A Consultants

Evidence Solutions merges with D&A Consultants

Evidence Solutions Inc., Digital Forensics Experts merges with D&A Consultants, Inc. Heavy Truck ...
					Cell Phone Forensic Expert: Driving with a Cell Phone policy

Cell Phone Forensic Expert: Driving with a Cell Phone policy

In today's technology world, almost every company uses computers. Here are some sample policies w...
					Digital Forensics Expert Witness: Clean Desk Policy

Digital Forensics Expert Witness: Clean Desk Policy

In today's technology world, almost every company uses computers. Over the next few weeks, Eviden...
					Harvard's School of Law Weblogs - Terms of Service

Harvard's School of Law Weblogs - Terms of Service

In today's technology world, almost every company uses computers. Over the next few weeks, Eviden...
					Intellectual Property Expert: Sample Internet Usage Policy

Intellectual Property Expert: Sample Internet Usage Policy

In today's technology world, almost every company uses computers. Over the next few weeks, E...
					Intellectual Expert: Sample Computer and Email Usage Policy

Intellectual Expert: Sample Computer and Email Usage Policy

In today's technology world, almost every company uses computers. Over the next few weeks, E...

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