News Articles

Evidence Solutions' expert witnesses love to share knowledge with you! Below is a listing of articles on a variety of subjects including cell phone forensics, digital forensics, hard drive recovery and analysis, EDRs, medical record analysis, greek fraternity issues, sports and injury consulting, real estate matters, and more. You can subscribe to our mailing list here. Read on and stay informed!

					Divorce Data is Rising

Divorce Data is Rising

Divorces Have More Data Than Ever! According to the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyer...
					Purge Personal Data From Car Systems

Purge Personal Data From Car Systems

Car Computer System / Vehicle Infotainment System  When you get rid of a computer or a ph...
					Heinz Ketchup QR Leads to Porn Site

Heinz Ketchup QR Leads to Porn Site

QR codes are a great way to drive traffic to a website from business cards or other promoti...
					Children Smart Phone Safety!

Children Smart Phone Safety!

This being the 21st century, we are far more connected than we ever have been before. Havin...
					8 Steps to Cell Phone Security

8 Steps to Cell Phone Security

1) Failing To Digitally Secure Your Device Securing your device with a passcode, pattern or even...
					Cars, Cyberattacks & Your Data!

Cars, Cyberattacks & Your Data!

Anyone that has bought a new car in the past few years may have noticed that your dashboard is no...
					Judge Reprimanded for Facebook Posts

Judge Reprimanded for Facebook Posts

When is it OK for Judges to Post on Social Media? The Texas State Commission on Judicial Conduct...
					Seven Deadly Sins for Getting Hacked

Seven Deadly Sins for Getting Hacked

Avoid These and Increase Your Computer Security Immensely! Phishing Phishing remains one of the...
					Time to Review Your Facebook Privacy Settings!

Time to Review Your Facebook Privacy Settings!

Facebook Makes it Easier Than Ever to Check Your Security Settings! Even if you don’t have your ...
					How to Fight & Prevent Ransomware

How to Fight & Prevent Ransomware

Ransomware is Striking Everywhere Beware! Ransomware is a significant problem which isn’t going ...
					Cyber Forensics: Nine Insider IP Thefts

Cyber Forensics: Nine Insider IP Thefts

Intellectual Property Expert Witness:Steps to Prevent IP Theft 9 Insider Intellectual Property T...
					Texting Prostitutes? Not good!

Texting Prostitutes? Not good!

Former Public Defender Suspended for Texting Prostitute. In November of 2012, then Public Defend...

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