News Articles

Evidence Solutions' expert witnesses love to share knowledge with you! Below is a listing of articles on a variety of subjects including cell phone forensics, digital forensics, hard drive recovery and analysis, EDRs, medical record analysis, greek fraternity issues, sports and injury consulting, real estate matters, and more. You can subscribe to our mailing list here. Read on and stay informed!

					Death and Digital Assets! 2 of 3 - Powers of Attorney

Death and Digital Assets! 2 of 3 - Powers of Attorney

Last week our article was about Death and Digital Assets. This week we supply some verbiage that ...
					Death and Digital Assets! 1 of 3

Death and Digital Assets! 1 of 3

It is inevitable, one day you will die. Modern science may someday cure this flaw in the human ...
					Texting (And More!) Banned in Commercial Motor Vehicles

Texting (And More!) Banned in Commercial Motor Vehicles

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) has formally banned Texting while opera...


The Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) and the Department of...
Not All Hackers are Bad
Computer Forensics Expert Witness Defines Hacking

Howdy, I'm a Hacker!

Whenever you hear the term “hacker” what most often comes to mind? The most common visual is the ...
					DOD assembles 13 Offensive Cyber Attack Teams.

DOD assembles 13 Offensive Cyber Attack Teams.

The Department of Defense recently acknowledged it has formed 13 teams of cyber attack profession...
					The Hacker’s Greatest Tool

The Hacker’s Greatest Tool

Let’s define the term “Social Engineering”. Simply put, it is the art of manipulating people in...
					Researcher Demos Spy Phone | Cell Phone Forensics Expert

Researcher Demos Spy Phone | Cell Phone Forensics Expert

Since the dawn of the modern smartphone it has been apparent that they can be used to spy on some...
Social Media Forensics Expert Witness
Social Media Forensics Expert Witness

Facebook Exposes Personal Data!

Facebook recently released a statement detailing how over 6 million of its 1.1 billion users had ...
					Traveling? Treat Your Laptop Like Cash: Security Expert

Traveling? Treat Your Laptop Like Cash: Security Expert

In today’s society, traveling with a laptop seems like an everyday occurrence, whether for “mobil...
GPS Forensics Expert Witness

How to Find a GPS Tracker in Your Car - If You Can.

There have been some interesting stories about how GPS tracking systems needed to “see the sky”. ...
					Cloud Data Security: Computer Forensics Expert Witness

Cloud Data Security: Computer Forensics Expert Witness

♫ Hey! You! Get off of my cloud ♫ >How to Keep Anyone From Snooping around Your Cloud. How S...

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