George Jenson

Greek Fraternity Consultant and Expert Witness

George Jenson

George has been involved with fraternity activities including housing, fundraising, treasury, ceremony officiating, alcohol and drug education, membership development, and many more roles.  He writes and speaks well and can articulate his knowledge clearly to those who may be unfamiliar with this world. 

George has traveled the US and Canada on behalf of his Fraternity to facilitate leadership and personal development education, much of which he developed, and has been constantly involved as an advisor with his own chapter at the University of Arizona for the last 30 years. George has been a live-in advisor for 7 years.  His volunteer history coupled with working professionally as a consultant to fraternities for 11 years provides him a deep and wide well of experience to draw from.

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  • Greek Organization Members have a Lower dropout rate
  • Instant community, which is crucial during your first year
  • Leadership opportunities, which will serve you well later in life
  • Community service that will add credits to your résumé
  • Support structure, which helps students
  • Tutoring and academic support
  • Parties, parties, parties!
  • Intramural sports
  • Nice houses with great cooks
  • Networking opportunities after graduation

  • Fraternity, or Frat: Greek organization for men
  • Sorority: Greek organization for women
  • Rush: The recruitment period at the beginning of the semester, when you are asked to join the organization
  • Bid: An invitation to join a frat or sorority
  • Pledge: A new recruit. You’re not yet a full member of the organization, but you’re one step closer to being accepted.
  • Hazing: Initiation rituals designed to create discomfort, pain, or embarrassment. Technically, hazing is illegal, but it is often done anyway.
  • Initiation: The formal ceremony inducting pledges into a frat or sorority
  • Chapter: The larger organization under which certain frats and sororities exist
  • Intramural: Sporting events between Greek organizations organized by the university
  • Panhellenic Council: The governing body for sororities

  • Acia
  • Adelphikos
  • Alpha Chi Alpha
  • Alpha Chi Rho
  • Alpha Delta Gamma
  • Alpha Delta Phi
  • Alpha Epsilon Pi
  • Alpha Gamma Omega
  • Alpha Gamma Rho
  • Alpha Kappa Lambda
  • Alpha Phi Alpha
  • Alpha Phi Delta
  • Alpha Sigma Phi
  • Alpha Tau Omega
  • Beta Chi Theta
  • Beta Epsilon Gamma Gamma Alpha Rho Sigma
  • Beta Sigma Phi
  • Beta Sigma Psi
  • Beta Theta Pi
  • Beta Upsilon Chi
  • Bones Gate
  • Chi Gamma Epsilon
  • Chi Heorot
  • Chi Phi
  • Chi Psi
  • Chi Sigma Tau
  • Delphic of Gamma Sigma Tau
  • Delta Chi
  • Delta Psi
  • Delta Epsilon Psi
  • Delta Kappa Epsilon
  • Delta Lambda Phi
  • Delta Rho Upsilon
  • Delta Omega Epsilon
  • Delta Phi
  • Delta Phi Omega
  • Delta Sigma Phi
  • Delta Tau Delta
  • Delta Theta Sigma
  • Delta Upsilon
  • FarmHouse
  • Gamma Zeta Alpha
  • Iota Nu Delta
  • Iota Phi Theta
  • Kappa Alpha Order
  • Kappa Alpha Society
  • Kappa Alpha Psi
  • Kappa Delta Phi
  • Kappa Delta Rho
  • Kappa Kappa Kappa
  • Kappa Sigma
  • Lambda Alpha Upsilon
  • Lambda Chi Alpha
  • Lambda Iota Society
  • Lambda Phi Epsilon
  • Lambda Sigma Upsilon
  • Lambda Theta Phi
  • Lambda Upsilon Lambda
  • Nu Alpha Kappa
  • Nu Sigma Beta
  • Omega Delta Phi
  • Omega Phi Gamma
  • Omega Psi Phi
  • Phi Beta Sigma
  • Phi Delta Alpha
  • Phi Delta Gamma
  • Phi Delta Psi
  • Phi Delta Theta
  • Phi Epsilon Chi
  • Phi Eta Kappa
  • Phi Eta Mu
  • Phi Gamma Delta
  • Phi Iota Alpha
  • Phi Kappa Pi
  • Phi Kappa Psi
  • Phi Kappa Sigma
  • Phi Kappa Tau
  • Phi Kappa Theta
  • Phi Lambda Chi
  • Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia
  • Phi Mu Delta
  • Phi Rho Eta
  • Phi Sigma Alpha
  • Phi Sigma Gamma
  • Phi Sigma Kappa
  • Phi Sigma Nu
  • Phi Sigma Phi
  • Pi Alpha Phi
  • Pi Delta Psi
  • Pi Kappa Alpha
  • Pi Kappa Phi
  • Pi Lambda Phi
  • Psi Sigma Phi
  • Seal and Serpent
  • Sigma Alpha Epsilon
  • Sigma Alpha Mu
  • Sigma Beta Rho
  • Sigma Chi
  • Sigma Delta Alpha
  • Sigma Lambda Beta
  • Sigma Nu
  • Sigma Phi Delta
  • Sigma Phi Epsilon
  • Sigma Phi Society
  • Sigma Pi
  • Sigma Tau Gamma
  • Sigma Thêta Pi
  • Tau Delta Phi
  • Tau Epsilon Phi
  • Tau Kappa Epsilon
  • Tau Phi Sigma
  • Tau Psi Omega
  • Theta Chi
  • Theta Delta Chi
  • Theta Xi
  • Triangle Fraternity
  • Trojan Knights
  • Zeta Beta Tau
  • Zeta Chi
  • Zeta Phi Rho
  • Zeta Psi

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