Ankle Sports Injury

Easy Sports Injury Prevention!

Sports are becoming a more common profession for many youths in the present day. Sporting activities help people to be fit. The body’s muscles are given proper care by doing exercises. However, constant exposure to such events may lead to injuries. The injuries may be acute or chronic depending on their nature, so everyone must be careful to avoid injuries. Proper concentration while involved in sports will help one to avoid being injured. Being aware of the types of injuries out there and how to avoid them is the best way to avoid them in general.

The more one is in contact with sports and exercise, the more likely to be injured. It is important for one to not over-strain their body in any situation. Injuries can be prevented if one is mentally and physically prepared to face the assault. Attitude matters when it comes to preventing injuries, do not be overconfident about your abilities. Most injuries occur to the ligaments (connecting bones together), tendons (connect muscles to bones), and muscles. Heavy accidents in the field may result in broken bones. A recent study reveals that only 5% of the injuries result in broken bones. This however is not true in children, as their bones are prone to injuries because their bones are still being developed. With this in mind, children should be supervised by a trainer.


Common Sports Injuries

Repetitive motion injuries: Ever hear of tennis elbow? This is a type of repetitive motion injury, caused by the repeated use of one action and muscle group, or repeated stress on a bone or joint, which can cause stress fractures or tendonitis.

Heat-related injuries: Dehydration, heat exhaustion, and heat stroke are all hazards. Parents, coaches, and trainers, should all educate their players about symptoms, which include: dizziness, nausea, fainting, etc. Make sure to drink plenty of water throughout the workout.

Sprains and strains: Sprains affect ligaments and strains affect muscles. Ankle sprains are among the most common injuries incurred.

Growth-plate injuries: These are very dangerous in children because the tissue at the end of our longer bones, which hardens into bone as we get older, can affect bone growth in children and cause problems later in life.


How to Prevent Sports Injuries:

  • Make sure to wear the proper protective gear.
  • Look for well-organized school and community teams, with coaches who are certified in First Aid and CPR.
  • Make sure facilities are well-maintained.
  • Drink sports drinks AND water to prevent dehydration (sports drinks contain lots of good nutrients and minerals).
  • Stretch before and after training or practice.

Soccer Sports Injury - Sports Injury Expert Witness

Sometimes, after an injury, it is important to ask: could this injury have been prevented? Like the NFL, coaches and trainers have an obligation to make sure those participating in sports are aware of the hazards, and they have an obligation to protect athletes (within in reason). By being aware of the risks and how to avoid injury, everyone can be better prepared to be more active in sports.

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