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Trucking Data Expert - Electronic Logging Device
Trucking Data Regulations Expert Witnesses - Electronic Logging Device Expert

Electronic Logging Device (ELD) Certification - ELD Expert

Electronic Onboard Recorder (EOBR) and Automatic Onboard Recording Device (AOBRD) technology is s...
Trucking Safety Expert - Integrated Vehicle Based Safety System
Trucking Safety Expert Witnesses - Trucking Regulations Expert

Truck Safety Systems In Practice - Truck Safety Expert

Volvo Trucks introduced a built in system to stop a semi-truck as it approached something in it...
Trucking Safety Expert - Trucking Industry Regulations
Trucking Safety Expert Witnesses - Trucking Regulations Expert

FMCSA Gives $1mil to Train Drivers - Truck Driving Expert

On October 21, 2014, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) announced that it wo...
Trucking Safety Expert - Trucking Industry Regulations
Trucking Safety Expert Witnesses - Trucking Regulations Expert

Sentences Handed Down in DOT Investigations

In September, 2014, the criminal investigations division of the DOT sentenced two people from the...
Trucking Safety Expert - Trucking Industry Poll
Trucking Safety Expert Witnesses - Trucking Poll

Do These Trucking Statistics Lie?

The American Trucking Associations (ATA) based in Arlington VA, recently hired Public Opinion Str...
Transportation Safety Expert - Safety Panel
Trucking Safety Expert Witnesses

After-Market Car Safety System - Transportation Safety

Many modern luxury and semi-luxury cars now have safety systems to alert the driver that they are...
Commercial Motor Carrier Regulations
Truck Regulation Expert Witnesses

House Bill Would Take Down CSA Truck & Bus Scores - CDL

A bill introduced by Congressman Lou Barletta (R Pa.) onSeptember 18, 2014, would remove motor ...
Commercial Motor Vehicle Driver Fatigue
Truck Safety Expert Witnesses

FMCSA Seeks Input on Hours of Service Paperwork Burden- CDL

According to the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA) and the Federal Register, on September...
Commercial Motor Vehicle Drivers: AMSA
Truck Accident Expert Witnesses

AMSA Requests Exemption to the 14 Hour Rule - CDL Expert

The American Moving & Storage Association (AMSA), based in Alexandria Virginia has applied ...
Commercial Motor Vehicle Drivers Surveyed About Their Jobs
Truck Safety Expert Witness

Brake Safety Week! - Truck Safety Expert Witnesses

Sunday September 7, 2014 started the annual Brake Safety Week inspection blitz which runs until S...
Commercial Motor Vehicle Drivers Surveyed About Their Jobs
Truck Safety Expert Witness

Hard to Believe: Truck Drivers Change Jobs for Pay

In a 2014 survey by National Retail Systems, Inc. (NRS),based in Hard to Believe: Truck Drivers C...
Truck Accident Expert Witness

Expert: Truck Safety = FMCSRs + Knowledge + Experience

There are Regulations which apply to all companies and drivers who operate or drive commercial ...
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