News Articles

Evidence Solutions' expert witnesses love to share knowledge with you! Below is a listing of articles on a variety of subjects including cell phone forensics, digital forensics, hard drive recovery and analysis, EDRs, medical record analysis, greek fraternity issues, sports and injury consulting, real estate matters, and more. You can subscribe to our mailing list here. Read on and stay informed!

					How to beef up your travel security & stay safe this summer

How to beef up your travel security & stay safe this summer

As our experts at Evidence Solutions, Inc. get set to travel to the 2014 AAJ Annual Convention ...
					Cell Phone Forensics Expert: Trends in Technology 2014

Cell Phone Forensics Expert: Trends in Technology 2014

2013 Trend Numbers Are In. 2013 was certainly a year to be remembered, from politics to the peop...
					Divorces Fueling Spy Technology Sales - Technology Forensics

Divorces Fueling Spy Technology Sales - Technology Forensics

Evidence Solutions, Inc. has first-hand experience which indicates spying on one’s spouse is on t...
					Electronic Frontier Foundation 2014 “Who has your back”

Electronic Frontier Foundation 2014 “Who has your back”

The Electronic Frontier Foundation recently published its 2014 “Who has your back” report. In its...
					All States have a Data Breach Law

All States have a Data Breach Law

Shortly after Target’s massive data breach in December of 2013, Attorney General Eric Holder rele...
					P.F. Changs: "Credit Cards Stolen" -Digital Forensics Expert

P.F. Changs: "Credit Cards Stolen" -Digital Forensics Expert

On June 13, 2014, P.F. Changs, based in Phoenix Arizona, released a statement saying they had exp...
					Cyber Security Expert: Increasing Cryptolocker Traffic

Cyber Security Expert: Increasing Cryptolocker Traffic

Evidence Solutions, Inc. is seeing a lot of malicious email traffic containing the Cryptolocker m...
					Network Engineer gets 4 Years in Prison

Network Engineer gets 4 Years in Prison

United States Attorney Booth Goodwin, announced recently that a former network engineer at Char...
					Computer Security Expert: Who is Watching You Online?

Computer Security Expert: Who is Watching You Online?

The world has watched in recent years as Twitter, Facebook and other social media sites have made...
					Nosy Healthcare Employees Snoop Electronic Medical Records!

Nosy Healthcare Employees Snoop Electronic Medical Records!

Electronic Medical Records (EMR) and Electronic Health Records (EHR) are great tools that allow f...
					Cyber Security Expert: Law Firms Must Step Up Cybersecurity!

Cyber Security Expert: Law Firms Must Step Up Cybersecurity!

A recent article in the New York Times underscores the demand clients are requiring of their law ...
					Alert! Stop using Microsoft’s Internet Explorer RIGHT NOW!

Alert! Stop using Microsoft’s Internet Explorer RIGHT NOW!

On the heels of the Heartbleed bug affecting security across the Internet, the Department of Home...

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