News Articles

Evidence Solutions' expert witnesses love to share knowledge with you! Below is a listing of articles on a variety of subjects including cell phone forensics, digital forensics, hard drive recovery and analysis, EDRs, medical record analysis, greek fraternity issues, sports and injury consulting, real estate matters, and more. You can subscribe to our mailing list here. Read on and stay informed!

					We Recorded a Tech Support Scam Call

We Recorded a Tech Support Scam Call

BewareTechnical Support Scams! One of our Evidence Solutions, Computer Forensics employees recei...
					Will ROSS - The Super Intelligent Attorney - Replace Attorneys?

Will ROSS - The Super Intelligent Attorney - Replace Attorneys?

What is Watson IBM’s Watson platform, named after Thomas J. Watson, IBM’s founder, is a supercom...
					President Obama Proposes Federal Data Breach Law

President Obama Proposes Federal Data Breach Law

A federal data breach law is picking up steam. There are those who tell us that a data breach law...
					Computer Security Expert: Securing the Internet of Things

Computer Security Expert: Securing the Internet of Things

Does the Internet of Things Decrease Your Privacy? Earlier this year, the Internet of Things (Io...
					Laptops At Risk of Disappearing!

Laptops At Risk of Disappearing!

Do you, like many in our mobile world, move around with a laptop? While Evidence Solutions has ad...
					Forensics Expert: Airport Security Badges Often Go Missing!

Forensics Expert: Airport Security Badges Often Go Missing!

Lost Airport Employee Security Badges Is CommonRecent reports have found thousands of airport sec...
					Beware Your Smart TV May be Watching or Listening to YOU!

Beware Your Smart TV May be Watching or Listening to YOU!

Smart TVs are, well, a computer. If you own one, you should know the risks of using it as a web b...
					What Data Breach Hackers Know This About You

What Data Breach Hackers Know This About You

Each data breach is unique. Data breaches happen in all kinds of systems which contain different ...
					Marriott Caught Jamming Internet Access - Computer Forensics

Marriott Caught Jamming Internet Access - Computer Forensics

Consumers who supply their own Wi-Fi at hotels and convention centers recently won a significant ...
					Big Name Law Firms Used in Phishing - Computer Forensics

Big Name Law Firms Used in Phishing - Computer Forensics

Recently, there have been a large number of Spear Phishing e-mail whose return address uses the U...
					Top 25 List of Easy-to-Hack Passwords

Top 25 List of Easy-to-Hack Passwords

The Top 25 List of Easy-to-Hack Passwords As Evidence Solutions, Inc., (ESI) is very security-...
					Banks Allowed to Sue Target for Negligence - Breach Expert

Banks Allowed to Sue Target for Negligence - Breach Expert

In December, a District Court judge in Minnesota ruled the banks affected by the Target breach in...

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