Your input is important to us. Please provide your valuable feedback. Here are some testimonials from our clients:

Having practiced law for over 40 years, it is truly enjoyable to have an expert that is a real person in and out of the courtroom. We just resolved the case, and you were a great part of our success. It’s not often that I get to interact with such a wonderful team.
Date of Posting: 04 November 2012
Posted By: M.M.
Houston, TX
Good news! The case settled. It was a pleasure to work with you and we thank you for your hard work and dedication.
Date of Posting: 04 November 2012
Posted By: M.E.
Billings, MT
I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for your assistance in the above-referenced case. As you will remember, this was a very large drug smuggling case involving a vehicle hauler. You were able to provide me the “education” I needed in the vehicle-hauling business and during our discussions, you came up with excellent ideas regarding significant “gaps” and inconsistencies in the defendant’s story to law enforcement. You were able to thoroughly prepare me for the trial. Your professionalism and experience made a huge difference to me in the preparation of this case for litigation.
Date of Posting: 04 November 2012
Posted By: M.M. - Assistant Attorney General
Phoenix, AZ
Just a note to express my deep appreciation for the superb work and high level of professionalism which you brought to our case.
Date of Posting: 04 November 2012
Posted By: L.M.
Albuquerque, NM
Your effective testimony and your willingness to work with us to assist in our understanding of the dynamics of this accident was crucial in our successful prosecution of the claim. I hope there will be an opportunity for us to work together again in the future. If I can be of assistance to you by way of a recommendation or in any other way, please let me know.
Date of Posting: 04 November 2012
Posted By: W.H.C.
William H. Champlin, III
I am pleased to report that the above captioned matter has resolved. Thank for the very professional way in which you were of help to me in this case. Be assured that will be thinking of you for future cases.
Date of Posting: 04 November 2012
Posted By: A.R.D.
A. Roy DeCaro
This case would not have had near that value received without your diligent and professional work. Your preparation and opinion set forth in your deposition were the key to liability and would have been overwhelming in our claim for punitive damages.

Again, thank you for your outstanding work in this claim and hopefully I will be able to need your services again in the near future.

Date of Posting: 04 November 2012
Posted By: R.G.B
Kerry Nelson did a masterful job on this matter and in particularly with regard to his deposition. In fact, Defense Counsel commented on Kerry's memory and ability to recall specific facts. Kerry was exceptionally well prepared and did an excellent job.

Thank you again for your firm's services rendered. I look forward to working with you and your firm in the future.
Date of Posting: 04 November 2012
Posted By: A.L.M.
I wanted to let you know that we reached a favorable settlement of the case at mediation. I specifically wanted to thank you for the great effort which helped resolve this matter. It was a pleasure working with you.
Date of Posting: 04 November 2012
Posted By: J.D.R, CA D.O.T.
Los Angeles, CA
The purpose of this letter is two fold: First to inform you that the case has been amicably settled, and the second and most important reason is to thank you for your serving as an expert witness, for your willingness to testify in deposition and in trial had the need arisen. Your succinct and forthright evaluation of the facts of this case was a great help in the resolution of this matter. We have enjoyed working with you in this matter and look forward to our future collaborations. Once again, let us express our sincere appreciation for all you have done.
Date of Posting: 04 November 2012
Posted By: J.C.
West Palm Beach, FL

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