Trainer Asks About Log Book Speeds

This is a true and accurate Email conversation between “Bubba”* and me. Bubba first contacted me via our website ( He used the website submission form to ask the following question:

Trucking Log Book Expert - Sample Truck Drivers LogA Typical Truck Drivers Paper Log Book

Bubba: “Is there a speed limit for log entries? I was told when figuring your miles, 64 mph was max for log book entries. Please respond.”

Perplexed and intrigued I answered:

Scott: “Bubba I am not sure I understand the question. Your log book should be accurate and correspond with what you are actually doing.”

Bubba: “Some company trucks are set at 65 mph. Is there a DOT speed limit for commercial trucks (cdl) regardless of the posted speed limit? For example, John Doe drives 11 hours and goes 770 miles. That is 70 mph. I was told DOT requires 64 mph max, for log entries. Thanks for your help.”

At this point I am even more intrigued he would be asking this type of question to someone he doesn’t know. I respond:

Scott: “Bubba, Do you currently have a CDL? And who indicated that there was a 64 MPH max?”

Bubba: “Scott, what's with all the questions. Do you currently have a CDL? So much for "evidence solutions". This website should not exist.”

Apparently Bubba thinks this website exists to give him answers to log book questions. Answers he should readily know if he works in the trucking industry as a professional truck driver.

Scott: “Bubba, I am attempting to point you in the right direction.”

Bubba decides to come clean with who he is and what his position is.

Bubba: “I instruct orientation for a large trucking company. Some companies will not allow their drivers to log over 65 mph (paper logs). I am not sure if this is DOT rules or state rules. I have had my CDL since 1986.”

Log books are used by Commercial Truck Drivers to track their hours-of-service (HOS). HOS regulations place restrictions on when and for how long professional drivers of commercial motor vehicles (CMVs) can be driving. Log books are intended to be an accurate record of the Commercial Driver’s License (CDL)holder’s activities.

I did a bit of research on Bubba. If I have the correct Bubba, and all indications are I do, he has driven crude oil around Texas for no less than four crude transportation companies. Bubba is, or has been, an owner/operator. Bubba currently holds a position with an international trucking firm where he is a “CDL Instructor”. The Motor Carrier he works for indicates it has more than 8500 employees, agents contractors, and owner operators. The company he appears to be employed with has revenues which exceed $1 billion.

Disclaimer: I, Scott Greene, do not hold a CDL. I have never ridden in a commercial vehicle. Evidence Solutions, Inc. employs Truck Standard of Care Experts, Truck Accident Experts and Truck Accident Reconstruction Experts. Because of my relationship with my associates, I am vaguely familiar with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations (FMCSRs) including the HOS rules.

I am an expert in trucking data. I have analyzed dozens of truck driver cell phones and cell phone records. I have analyzed thousands of truck GPS coordinates. I am an expert in truck telematic systems and their data.

*Not Bubba's real name.

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