NTSB Most Wanted Safety Improvements

The NTSB’s Most Wanted List highlights safety issues identified from the NTSB’s accident investigations to increase awareness about the issues and recommended safety solutions.

The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) is a Federal agency charged by Congress with investigating civil aviation accidents in the United States along with significant accidents in other modes of transportation including: railroad, highway, marine and pipeline. The NTSB investigations find the probable cause of the accidents. These causes are then converted into safety recommendations aimed at preventing future accidents

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The 2015 top ten most wanted list of Safety improvements:

  1. Disconnect From Deadly Distractions – Specifically Mobile devices

The NTSB has found distraction from mobile devices is a cause of accidents. Removing “non-mission-critical information” distraction is first on their list. “All modes of transportation need to rise to today’s distraction challenges.” According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), in 2012, about 10% of drivers involved in a fatal crash were distracted.

  1. End Substance Impairment In Transportation

The NTSB has put a high priority on eliminating Substance Impairment in in the operation of complex machinery. The machinery listed includes: cars, planes, trains, ships, and pipelines. The NTSB says that operators of these complex machines should be at their best and not impaired by alcohol or drugs. This includes illicit drugs as well as over-the-counter medications. The NTSB would like stronger laws, swifter enforcement, and expanded use of technology to end substance impairment. According to the NHTSA,in 2012, approximately 33% of drivers involved in a fatal crash were impaired by alcohol.

  1. Enhance Public Helicopter Safety

According to the NTSB helicopter accidents can be reduced by implementing safety management & fatigue management systems. The board would also like to increase training by including scenario-based training to reduce accidents. In addition, the NTSB would like to improve helicopter technology and require crash resistant flight recorder systems for all aircraft.

  1. Implement Positive Train Control In 2015

Since 1969 the NTSB has been recommending Positive Train Control (PTC,) technology. PTC can help stop rail accidents before they happen. The NTSB believes implementation of PTC will help eliminate deaths and injuries in train accidents. Congress passed a PTC requirement in 2008 which mandates railroad companies to use PTC by the end of 2015.

  1. Improve Rail Tank Car Safety

As rail is used to move more crude,ethanol and other hazardous liquids than ever in the Unites States, the NTSB wants tanker cars to be strengthened to better withstand crashes. The NTSB would like new regulatory requirements implemented to increase tank car safety.

  1. Make Mass Transit Safer

From subways and light rail to ferries, streetcars and buses, each day, millions of Americans take some form of mass transit to or from shopping, work, classes, or other destinations. The NTSB would like to continue to implement advanced technologies to make these forms of transportation safer.

  1. Prevent Loss Of Control In Flight In General Aviation

Arline accidents have become very rare in the United States. However, General Aviation still has hundreds of accidents a year. The NTSB would like to improve this statistic by increasing ongoing pilot education, self-assessment and situational awareness in the cockpit.

  1. Require Medical Fitness For Duty

It makes sense that the medical conditions and treatments of transportation professionals affect their ability to operate complex machinery. The NTSB recommends reducing the risks created by a medical condition by preventing those who have impairing medical issues from operating machinery unless they receive medical treatment which mitigates the risk to the public.

  1. Strengthen Commercial Trucking Safety

Truck crashes which lead to death and injury have been increasing over the past several years. The NTSB would like additional regulations to improve oversight of commercial vehicle operators and drivers. It calls upon trucking companies to go beyond achieving regulatory compliance for their employees and contractors. The NTSB wants operators to proactively identify operational hazards and identify potential solutions.

  1. Strengthen Procedural Compliance in airlines and charter companies.

The NTSB believes tragedies that happen in this industry can be prevented by ensuring that procedures are followed every day in every flight. It also calls for increased training to ensure crews do what they are trained to do.

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